Period Fairy

If you or someone you know is in need of period products, please get in touch with us. 

We have yearly Menstrual Product Drives in hopes that we can help others when in need of period care.  Here at #VolunteerTogether, we are trying our best to end period poverty! 

Fill out the application below, and we will get back to you shortly. 

Contact Us.

* Currently, we are a small nonprofit organization, so the Period Fairy can only send a limited pack of period care (pads, tampons, etc). We are hopeful in the years to come that, we will be able to supply unlimited amounts of period care.  

Lisa Leone, Founder

“I am constantly striving to change how people see and experience periods, whether that’s by making period conversations as normal as periods or providing products for those who most need them — but that goal requires working TOGETHER. It’s through the power of partnership with our volunteers that Volunteer Together can make a difference in everyday lives.”